Saturday, November 2, 2013

Record it, link it, share it! Teach your students how to make QR codes!

Super excited that the 4th graders are starting to create their book trailers this week.  They first practiced their timing and voice fluency then recorded on the app Croakit!  Now it is time to turn them into QR codes.

Background research says that the best practices of learning are when the responsibilities and ideas are placed on the student, and the teacher is the guide on the side.  This project requires students to facilitate their own learning and develop independence in their thinking and application of knowledge, through the use of technology and literacy.  
In this project the first lesson is how to write a 30 second book review. Secondly, the students will learn how to use a recording device and an app such as to record and create a link.  Third, they will learn how copy and paste a link to email to themselves for review of the recording.  Finally, the students will learn how to use a QR code generator to copy and paste their link to generate and print the code. The students will then showcase their work on a book jacket, on the wall, send to friend locally or globally, or place on their student blog. 

So far students have learned how to write a opinion book summary, voice record focusing on fluency and email their croak it to a friend and myself.  The next step will be the same process but they will be making their own QR codes! 

Rehearsing to make the 30 second cut! 

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